Sophie Hudson and Breaking Free from Comparison and People Pleasing

What does it mean to show up in your life, right now, in this season? The things that we have counted on in the past to keep me emotionally, physically, and spiritually healthy have all but disappeared. And the ways we’ve done life as a family, they are no longer options.  We have a choice to make. We can bide our time or, as this week’s guest likes to say, we can “Stand All the Way Up”?

In this episode you will hear:

  • Why humor is important.

  • How comparison impacts families. 

  • Practical ways to break free from family comparison.

  • The difference between people-pleasing and serving our people well.

Key Points:

  • Even in the midst of hard stuff, it’s okay to laugh.

  • When kids think they have to maintain and portray their family they develop resentment and shame. 

  • Taking regular social media breaks is a simple way to break free from comparison.

Mentioned in this episode:

Where you can find our guest:

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