{Rebroadcast} Kristin and Danny Adams on Following The Road to Love and Laughter

Every relationship, including marriage, needs plenty of love and laughter. But how do you keep the fun and connection going when the road gets hard? That’s the question that this week’s guests Kristin and Danny Adams are going to answer. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • How to celebrate and navigate the individual differences in your marriage relationship and in your family. 

  • Why marriage (and family life) is like competing in a team sport where you and your spouse are teammates. 

  • How we can keep love and laughter alive in their relationships

Key Points:

  • There's nothing that speaks louder than a healthy family.

  • Whether you have major or minor differences with your spouse, you can get to that place where you celebrate them.

  • There's beauty on the other side of walking through that pain together.

  • It's hard to succeed on the field if you don't trust your teammates.

  • You're not wasting time by laughing. It is health and healing to your flesh.and not Jesus.

Where you can find our guests:

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