Alana Kuwabara on Critical Thinking - Why We Need it and How We Can Teach it to Our Kids

We live in an age when an overwhelming amount of information is available. The upside of that is that we can get the information we want easily. The downside is that it’s not just facts that are available at fingertips, but tons of other people’s opinions are too. As parents, it’s important that we teach our kids how to navigate this crazy world of information overload with critical thinking.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • What critical thinking is

  • Why critical thinking is important 

  • How we can teach our kids to use critical thinking to navigate life

Key Points:

  • Critical thinking works when you have self-control and you're doing your best to examine something unbiased so that you can come to a conclusion and form an opinion. 

  • Our brains need to compartmentalize things and group things together so that we can analyze things quickly.

  • God created us to seek out wisdom, apply knowledge to facts and come up with opinions and make judgments.

  • Kids can learn critical thinking when you explain to them how you got to the decisions you’ve made as a family.

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