Faith Gateway, Sweet Lessons, Faith Kimberly Amici Faith Gateway, Sweet Lessons, Faith Kimberly Amici

On Motherhood and Expectations

Have you ever tried to live up to an expectation of motherhood you weren't meant to meet? I have, it's not fun!

As a young mom, I was constantly on edge. I lacked the kindness and compassion I knew was important in building healthy relationships with my children. I was easily angered and then I’d beat myself up for losing my temper. I set high expectations for myself, yet continually failed to meet them. I woke up each morning hoping this would be the day that things would fall into place and I would get this mothering thing right.

I learned motherhood looks different for all of us and there is no one way to do it. Join me at FaithGateway to read about how I got unstuck and found freedom in the mother God created me to be. 

Have you ever tried to live up to an expectation of motherhood you weren't meant to meet? I have, it's not fun!

As a young mom, I was constantly on edge. I lacked the kindness and compassion I knew was important in building healthy relationships with my children. I was easily angered and then I’d beat myself up for losing my temper. I set high expectations for myself, yet continually failed to meet them. I woke up each morning hoping this would be the day that things would fall into place and I would get this mothering thing right.

“God, how do I change? I need Your direction!” I was surprised at what He showed me. 

I learned motherhood looks different for all of us and there is no one way to do it. Join me at FaithGateway to read about how I got unstuck and found freedom in the mother God created me to be. 

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